Saturday, May 13, 2006


This may come as a surprise to everyone. I kept silent about it for months, but I guess there's no use hiding the truth. I won P25,000.00 as a homepartner in a noontime show contest last February 25, 2006. Only those who were able to watch that episode know this. Thing is, I haven't received the prize.

Beginner's luck, so they say. One neighbor who saw my name on her TV screen even told me that she's been trying her luck for years but to no avail. I find it funny and embarassing actually. While some people bury their heads in their work table just to get a better wage, in just one text, I already got legal rights to claim P25,000.00. I had planned everything on how I am supposed to budget the money. However, it has been almost three months but no one has called me yet when to claim the prize. I called to follow-up but they just told me to wait.

I am in no way maligning the program. As a matter of fact, it is still my favorite show to watch during lunchtime. I am not even complaining. Even if I'm in a tight budget right now, I can't get angry. God is good! We can still eat three full meals a day. Yes, I'm a bit disappointed because I need money for the books and some stuff that I need for this difficult challenge I am into right now, and asking money from my parents would be the last option. However, just thinking of the idea that not all people are given such opportunity, all I have to do is wait and still be grateful. While winning in a game of chance is quite an experience, waiting for the prize to reach your hand is another story.


This is not a metaphor of something. A question posted in my bulletin board said : "Ever wondered why nobody knows why the sky is blue?" Stupid question. It was taught in high school because studies were already made about it. From the various websites, there is one which gave the simplest but funny way of explaining it. And i figured, it is worth sharing (as the geek in me emerges hehe). Here goes...

"When transmitted light such as sunlight enters our atmosphere it collides with the oxygen and nitrogen atoms. The color with the shorter wavelength is scattered more by this collision. Because violet and blue are the shortest wavelengths the sky appears to be violet / blue. But because our eyes are more sensitive to blue light than they are violet light, we perceive the sky as blue.

Our eyes contain thousand of rods and cones, which are the receptors for light. Whenever one of the 3 Stooges pokes you in the eye you see a giant blue spot. This is because the blue receptors have been activated. Blue is one of the primary colors and thus more easily activated and seen by our eyes.

Blue is also how I feel when my baby leaves and my hound dog dies. Also, how I feel when the cops pull me over and I see their blue lights flashing in my rear view mirror. Then, again, blue is the color of the K-mart special, so this color isn't all bad.

Why is the sky blue: Summary

So, why is the sky blue? It is because blue light from the sun strikes the air molecules and scatters and our eyes perceive it as blue.

Why is the sky blue: Short Summary

Why is the sky blue, you ask? Blue in sunlight collides with air molecules and our eyes see it as blue.

Why is the sky blue: Condensed

Sunlight collides with air, scatters blue wavelengths.

Why is the sky blue: Ultra-Condensed.

You are seeing things. Stop asking."

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Not a newbie at blogging, but I'm new here at blogspot. I'll write more sensible issues (errr...blurbs) next time :)
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